
Weekly Don Cherry: Week 2

Wow, off to a rough start here.  But, I'm only an hour late and hopefully this suit makes up for my tardiness.  

Not many people can pull off pink, but Don Cherry sure as hell tries...as far as I'm concerned he pulls it off and wears it well.  Tell me what you think?


  1. an hour late... tsk tsk. although, this suit does make up for your lateness. that suit makes me so happy and i think it matches very well with his facial hair. is it sad that i wish I had a dress in that design??

  2. whoa wait!! YOU HAVE A BLOG?!?! where have I been? I'll catch up on posts this weekend.

    re the suit: the key to awesome in this picture is that his skin tone matches the fabric. if you saw this on an HD TV your eyes might bleed.

    back to work.
